Package: getdata

getdata: Get Easy Access to Tabular and Spatial Data

Download and format spatial and non-spatial data with simple filtering by location.

Authors:Eli Pousson [aut, cre, cph]

getdata.pdf |getdata.html
getdata/json (API)

# Install 'getdata' in R:
install.packages('getdata', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:




55 exports 12 stars 2.18 score 50 dependencies 3 dependents 16 scripts

Last updated 9 months agofrom:93b84190e9. Checks:OK: 1 ERROR: 6. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 31 2024
R-4.5-winERRORAug 31 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORAug 31 2024
R-4.4-winERRORAug 31 2024
R-4.4-macERRORAug 31 2024
R-4.3-winERRORAug 31 2024
R-4.3-macERRORAug 31 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Use lubridate to convert an object to a date rangeas_date_range between_date_range check_date_range date_range_query
Cache location data with 'sf::write_sf()' or 'readr::write_rds()'cache_location_data
Format data frames and simple features with address databind_address_col bind_block_col bind_location_text_col format_address_data
Format data frames and simple features using common approachesfix_epoch_date format_data label_with_xwalk make_variable_dictionary rename_with_xwalk
Format simple feature dataerase_data format_sf_data
Get data from an Airtable base and optionally convert to a sf objectget_airtable_data get_airtable_metadata
Use 'elevatr::get_elev_point' to get the elevation along a profileget_elev_profile
Use esri2sf to get data from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or MapServer for a locationget_esri_data get_esri_layers get_esri_metadata
Use FlickrAPI to get geotagged photos for a locationget_flickr_photos
Use googlesheets4 to get a data frame or simple feature data from a Google Sheetget_gsheet_data
Get location of a specified type based on name, id, or locationget_location get_location_type
Get data for a locationget_location_data map_location_data
Get data from an open data portal (Socrata) for a locationget_open_data get_socrata_data get_socrata_metadata list_socrata_data
Use osmdata to get Open Street Map data for a locationget_osm_boundaries get_osm_data get_osm_id
Use mapboxapi or bingmapr to get a static map imageget_location_static_mapbox get_osm_static_mapbox get_static_bingmap get_static_map get_static_mapbox
Use tigris to get state-level data from the U.S. Census Bureauget_tigris_data
Get Wikipedia articles for a locationget_wiki_data
Make a list of data and corresponding locationsmake_location_data_list
Make a grid over the bounding box of a locationmake_location_grid
Make a crosswalk list for use with 'label_with_xwalk()' or 'rename_with_xwalk()'make_xwalk_list
OpenStreetMap building tagsosm_building_tags
Common OpenStreetMap tagsosm_common_tags
Replace values in a character vector or data frame with a crosswalkreplace_street_dir_prefixes replace_street_suffixes replace_with_xwalk
Set or get an access token or API key to/from environment variables.get_access_token get_token_type set_access_token set_token_type
Set getdata or other package-specific optionsset_pkg_options
Trim and squish across any character columnsstr_trim_squish_across
Street directional prefixesstreet_dir_prefixes
Street suffix abbreviationsstreet_suffixes