Package: isstatic

isstatic: Dependency-Free Object Tests

Convenience functions for checking class inheritance, extracting attributes, basic type conversion, and miscellaneous string manipulation. working with sf, ggplot2, and other packages.

Authors:Eli Pousson [aut, cre, cph]

isstatic.pdf |isstatic.html
isstatic/json (API)

# Install 'isstatic' in R:
install.packages('isstatic', repos = c('', ''))

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2.18 score 3 stars 1 scripts 96 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:29ce2ff9a0. Checks:1 OK, 7 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 30 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGJan 30 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGJan 30 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGJan 30 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGJan 30 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGJan 30 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGJan 30 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGJan 30 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert an alphabetical character object from A to Z into a corresponding integeralpha_to_int
Convert a numeric bearing value to the closest cardinal bearingas_cardinal_bearing
Coerce a sf, sfc, or bbox object to a coordinate reference systemas_crs is_lonlat_crs
as.integer with option to suppress warnings for NA coercionas_integer
Convert a numeric vector to a vector of numbered labelsas_numbered_labels
What is the orientation of a numeric aspect ratio?as_orientation
as.roman with option to suppress warnings for NA coercionas_roman
Coerce a sf object to a sfc objectas_sfc
Combine multiple words into a single stringcombine_words
Helper to return a regex based on sidedigit_pattern
Construct path to file ignoring NULL values for filename or pathfile_path
Does string contain the specified file type or any file extension?has_fileext
Does string contain the specified file type or any file extension?has_filetype
Is the length of x between two values?has_len_between has_max_length has_min_length
• 'has_same_crs()': Do two sf, sfc, or bbox objects use the same coordinate reference system?has_same_crs
Do two object have an identical length?has_same_len
Convert a integer into a corresponding letter or multi-letter stringint_to_alpha
Do all items in a list or vector return TRUE from a predicate function?is_all is_all_na is_all_null
Is all of x in y?is_all_in
Do any items in a list or vector return 'TRUE' from a predicate function?is_any is_any_na is_any_null is_none is_none_null
Are any of x in y?is_any_in
Test if a character vector consists of blank stringsis_blank
Is x a file or directory?is_dir is_file
Does this text end in the provided file extension?is_csv_fileext is_excel_fileext is_fileext_path is_geojson_fileext is_rdata_fileext is_rda_fileext is_rds_fileext is_zip_fileext
Does this text end in the specified filetype?is_filetype_path
Is this a gg class object?is_gg is_ggplot is_ggproto is_patchwork
Do all items in this list inherit the gg class?is_gg_list
Do all items in this list inherit the provided class?is_list_all
Is this object a named list or character vector?has_all_names has_any_names is_named
Are none of x in y?is_none_in
Is this a sf class object?is_bbox is_raster is_sf is_sfc is_sfg is_sf_ext is_sp
Do all items in this list inherit the sf class?is_sf_list
Is this a unit class object?is_margin is_unit
Is this a units class object?is_units
Is an object a URL?is_esri_url is_gist_url is_gmap_url is_gsheet_url is_url
Apply a function to each element of a vector.map_chr
Simple helper for pluralizing wordsplural_words
Convert a Roman numeral character object into a corresponding integerroman_to_int
Set start number for numeric vector xset_start_number
Join multiple strings into a single stringstr_c
Detect the presence or absence of a pattern in a stringstr_detect
Extract matching patterns from a stringstr_extract
Add, remove, or extract file extensions from character vectorsstr_add_fileext str_extract_fileext str_fileext str_remove_fileext
Compute the length of a stringstr_length
Get the n most frequent or least frequent appearing values in a vectorstr_n_freq
Duplicate and concatenate strings within a character vectorstr_pad
Modify digits within stringsstr_extract_digits str_increment_digits str_pad_digits str_replace_digits
Remove matched patterns in a stringstr_remove
Replace matched patterns in a stringstr_replace
Replace matched patterns in a stringstr_replace_all
Compute the width of a stringstr_width
Convert to a common sentence casetosentence
Replace spaces in string with underscoresunderscore