Package: sfext

sfext: Extra Functions for Simple Feature Data

Extra functions with additional options for reading, writing, and transforming spatial data. Includes a variety of utility functions for working with tabular data with coordinates and distance and area units.

Authors:Eli Pousson [aut, cre, cph]

sfext.pdf |sfext.html
sfext/json (API)

# Install 'sfext' in R:
install.packages('sfext', repos = c('', ''))

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6.03 score 20 stars 5 packages 24 scripts 169 exports 38 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:c2f4e78e6e. Checks:1 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 27 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 27 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEJan 27 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 27 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 27 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 27 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 27 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 27 2025



Introduction to sfext

Rendered fromintroduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 27 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-18
Started: 2022-07-12

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Use tidygeocoder to convert an address or data frame with an address column to an sf objectaddress_to_sf
Area units (vector)area_unit_options
Convert object to coordinate reference system or check coordinate reference systemas_crs is_same_crs is_wgs84
Convert an sf, numeric, or other object to a POINT (sfg) or POINT, MULTIPOINT, LINESTRING, or MULTILINESTRING (sfc) objectas_centroid as_endpoint as_endpoints as_line as_lines as_point as_points as_polygons as_startpoint as_startpoints
Convert an object to a simple feature or bounding box objectas_bbox as_sf as_sfc as_sf_class
Convert data to a data frame with X/Y coordinate pairsas_xy
Bind units column to data framebind_units_col
Check if x is an sf objectcheck_sf
cli_format style for sf objectscli_format.sf
Compare a distance to the dimension of a bounding box or another distance valuecompare_dist
Convert distance from scale to actual unitsconvert_dist_scale
Convert distance (and area) values between different unitsconvert_dist_units
Convert a data.frame with one or more coordinate columns to an sf objectcheck_coords coords_to_sf format_coords has_coords rev_coords separate_coords
Count simple features based on relationship with a second simple feature objectcount_features
Count extended for working with sf objectscount_sf_ext
Distance units (vector)dist_unit_options
Distance units (data frame)dist_units
Get aspect ratio from string or based on specific paper and marginsget_asp
Get coordinates for a simple feature or bounding box objectget_coords get_minmax st_coords st_coords_minmax
Check if data directory exists and create a new directory if neededget_data_dir list_data_files
Get margins for a ggplot2 plot or map based on style or distanceget_margin
Get measurements for simple feature objectsget_area get_bearing get_dist get_length get_measurements st_area_ext st_bearing st_distance_ext st_length_ext
Get standard paper and image sizesget_paper
Get standard scales and convert to scale distancesget_scale get_standard_scale
Get social media image size to match platform and formatget_social_image
General utility functions for working with distance units objectsas_dist_units diff_dist get_dist_units is_diff_area is_diff_dist is_dist_units is_longer is_same_area is_same_dist is_same_units is_shorter
What geometry type is this feature?is_geom_type is_line is_multiline is_multipoint is_multipolygon is_point is_polygon st_is_ext
What is the class or spatial attributes of this feature?is_bbox is_coords is_geo_coords is_raster is_sf is_sfc is_sfg is_sp
Convert a lon/lat or lat/lon coordinate pair to a sfc objectlonlat_to_sfc
Make a sf list by grid positionmake_sf_grid_list
Use mapview to interactively explore spatial datamapview_exif mapview_ext mapview_popup_img
Additional utility functions for sf objectsget_sf_col get_sf_colnames misc_sf relocate_sf_col rename_sf_col transform_sf
Sort and number features by coordinates or distancenumber_features number_sf sort_features sort_sf
Standard paper and image sizespaper_sizes
rdeck editoreditor_options rdeck_edit rdeck_editor_options rdeck_select
Read EXIF metadata to create a simple feature object or write EXIF metadata to image filesread_sf_exif
Read spatial data in a bounding box to a simple feature object from multiple sourcesread_sf_csv read_sf_download read_sf_esri read_sf_excel read_sf_ext read_sf_felt read_sf_gist read_sf_gmap read_sf_gsheet read_sf_path read_sf_pkg read_sf_query read_sf_rdata read_sf_url read_sf_zip
Get bounding box corner points from a bbox, sfc, or sf objectsf_bbox_corners
Measure a bounding box using x, y, or diagonal distancesf_bbox_asp sf_bbox_check_fit sf_bbox_diagdist sf_bbox_diag_ratio_to_dist sf_bbox_dist sf_bbox_orientation sf_bbox_xdist sf_bbox_ydist
Convert and tranform bounding boxessf_bbox_misc sf_bbox_point sf_bbox_to_lonlat_query sf_bbox_to_npc sf_bbox_to_sf sf_bbox_to_sfc sf_bbox_to_wkt sf_bbox_transform
Shift sides, contract, or expand a bounding boxsf_bbox_contract sf_bbox_expand sf_bbox_shift
Creating and checking sf listsas_sf_list is_sf_list map_as_sf map_as_sf_list new_sf_list sf_list sf_list_rbind
Convert between simple feature and data frame objectsdf_to_sf sf_to_df
Get a bounding box buffered a set distance or to match an aspect ratiost_bbox_adj st_bbox_asp st_bbox_ext
Buffer a simple feature or bounding box objectst_buffer_ext st_buffer_ext.bbox st_buffer_ext.default st_buffer_ext.list st_buffer_ext.sf_list st_edge
Cast geometry of a simple feature object or simple feature collection to another typest_cast_ext
Clip the side or corner of a simple feature or bounding box objectst_clip
Make a concave hull around simple feature object by attributest_concave_hull_ext
Dissolve geometry preserving existing or supplied grouping variablesst_dissolve
Erase or trim geometry of a sf or sfc objectst_erase st_trim
Filter, crop, trim, or erase a simple feature object or listst_filter_ext st_filter_geom_type
Filter by share of length or area of one geometry overlapping with a second geometryst_filter_pct st_filter_pct_area st_filter_pct_length
Complete a spatial join using a simple feature objects or an object and listst_join_ext
Make a grid over a simple feature bounding boxst_make_grid_ext
Checks if all geometries are already valid and make valid if notst_make_valid_ext
Modify the geometry of a simple feature or bounding box objectst_center st_circle st_circumscribed_circle st_donut st_misc
Nudge a simple feature to the center of another feature and/or a set distancest_nudge st_nudge.bbox st_nudge.default st_nudge.sf
Scale and rotate a simple feature object, simple feature collection, or bounding boxst_scale_rotate
Create a square within or around a simple feature object or collectionst_inscribed_square st_square st_square.bbox st_square.default st_square.sf st_square.sfc
Transform or convert coordinates of a simple feature or bounding box objectas_wgs84 st_omerc st_transform_ext st_transform_omerc st_wgs84
Union simple feature objects and combine name column valuesst_union_by st_union_ext
Standard map, architectural, and engineering scalesstandard_scales
Write EXIF data for photos on spatial join with a sf object or list of sf objectswrite_exif_from write_exif_keywords
Write or cache a simple feature object to a filewrite_sf_cache write_sf_ext write_sf_gist write_sf_gsheet write_sf_list
Write an sf object to an svg filewrite_sf_svg