The {sfext} package has several categories of functions:
calls one of four other functions
depending on the input parameters:
is similar to sf::read_sf
but has a few additional features. It checks the existence of a file
before reading, supports the creation of wkt_filter parameters based on
a bounding box, and supports conversion of tabular data to simple
feature objects.
nc <- read_sf_ext(path = system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
# This is equivalent to read_sf_path(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
# Or sf::read_sf(dsn = system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
#> Rows: 100
#> Columns: 15
#> $ AREA <dbl> 0.114, 0.061, 0.143, 0.070, 0.153, 0.097, 0.062, 0.091, 0.11…
#> $ PERIMETER <dbl> 1.442, 1.231, 1.630, 2.968, 2.206, 1.670, 1.547, 1.284, 1.42…
#> $ CNTY_ <dbl> 1825, 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, …
#> $ CNTY_ID <dbl> 1825, 1827, 1828, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, …
#> $ NAME <chr> "Ashe", "Alleghany", "Surry", "Currituck", "Northampton", "H…
#> $ FIPS <chr> "37009", "37005", "37171", "37053", "37131", "37091", "37029…
#> $ FIPSNO <dbl> 37009, 37005, 37171, 37053, 37131, 37091, 37029, 37073, 3718…
#> $ CRESS_ID <int> 5, 3, 86, 27, 66, 46, 15, 37, 93, 85, 17, 79, 39, 73, 91, 42…
#> $ BIR74 <dbl> 1091, 487, 3188, 508, 1421, 1452, 286, 420, 968, 1612, 1035,…
#> $ SID74 <dbl> 1, 0, 5, 1, 9, 7, 0, 0, 4, 1, 2, 16, 4, 4, 4, 18, 3, 4, 1, 1…
#> $ NWBIR74 <dbl> 10, 10, 208, 123, 1066, 954, 115, 254, 748, 160, 550, 1243, …
#> $ BIR79 <dbl> 1364, 542, 3616, 830, 1606, 1838, 350, 594, 1190, 2038, 1253…
#> $ SID79 <dbl> 0, 3, 6, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 4, 4, 6, 17, 4, 7, 1, 0,…
#> $ NWBIR79 <dbl> 19, 12, 260, 145, 1197, 1237, 139, 371, 844, 176, 597, 1369,…
#> $ geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.47276 3..., MULTIPOLYGON ((…
bbox <- as_bbox(nc[10, ])
nc_in_bbox <- read_sf_ext(path = system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), bbox = bbox)
nc_basemap <-
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = nc)
nc_basemap +
geom_sf(data = nc_in_bbox, fill = "red")
The second, read_sf_url()
, that supports reading url
that are already supported by sf::read_sf
but also supports
ArcGIS Feature Layers (using the {esri2sf} package) and
URLs for tabular data (including both CSV files and Google Sheets).
Several functions also support queries based on a name and name_col
value (generating a simple SQL query) based on the provided values.
sample_esri_url <- ""
states <- read_sf_esri(url = sample_esri_url)
#> ── Downloading "USA_State" from <
#> Layer type: "Feature Layer"
#> Geometry type: "esriGeometryPolygon"
#> Service CRS: "EPSG:4326"
#> Output CRS: "EPSG:4326"
# This is equivalent to read_sf_url(sample_esri_url)
# Or esri2sf::esri2sf(url = sample_esri_url)
# read_sf_esri and read_sf_query both support the name and name_col parameters
# These parameters also work with read_sf_pkg for cached and extdata files
nc_esri <- read_sf_ext(url = sample_esri_url, name_col = "STATE_NAME", name = "North Carolina")
#> ── Downloading "USA_State" from <
#> Layer type: "Feature Layer"
#> Geometry type: "esriGeometryPolygon"
#> Service CRS: "EPSG:4326"
#> Output CRS: "EPSG:4326"
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = states) +
geom_sf(data = nc_esri, fill = "red")
The read functions also support URLs for GitHub Gists (assuming the first file in the Gist is a spatial data file) or Google MyMaps.
gmap_data <- read_sf_ext(url = "")
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = gmap_data[2, ])
The third, read_sf_pkg()
, can load spatial data from any
installed package including exported data, files in the extdata folder,
or data in a package-specific cache folder. This is particularly useful
when working with spatial data packages such as {mapbaltimore} or
The fourth, read_sf_query()
, is most similar to
but provides an optional spatial filter based
on the bbox parameter and supports the creation of queries using a basic
name and name_col parameter.
wraps sf::write_sf
but uses
to support the creation of
consistent file names using labels or date prefixes to organize
name = "Ashe County",
label = "NC",
prefix = "date",
fileext = "gpkg"
#> [1] "2025-01-27_nc_ashe_county.gpkg"
also supports the automatic creation of
destination folders and the use of a package-specific cache folder
created by rappdirs::user_cache_dir()
. These functions are
now in the filenamr
There are several helper functions that are used extensively by the package itself. While these conversions are easy to do with existing {sf} functions, these alternatives follow a tidyverse style syntax and support a wider range of input values.
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
nc_bbox <- as_bbox(nc)
#> [1] TRUE
The ext parameter can be used to make is_sf()
general allowing sf, sfc, or bbox objects instead of just sf
There are similar functions for checking and converting the geometry
type for an object including is_point()
, is_line()
, and others.
By default the conversion from sf to data frame object, uses the
centroid of any polygon. It can also use a surface point from
df_centroid <- sf_to_df(nc_in_bbox)
df_surface_point <- sf_to_df(nc_in_bbox, geometry = "surface point")
These can be converted back to an sf object but the point geometry is used instead of the original polygon:
df_centroid_sf <- df_to_sf(df_centroid, crs = 3857)
df_surface_point_sf <- df_to_sf(df_surface_point, crs = 3857)
df_example_map <-
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = nc_in_bbox) +
geom_sf(data = df_centroid_sf, color = "red", size = 3) +
geom_sf(data = df_surface_point_sf, color = "blue", size = 2)
Alternatively, sf_to_df()
can also use well known text
as an output format:
df_wkt <- sf_to_df(nc_in_bbox, geometry = "wkt")
#> Rows: 5
#> Columns: 15
#> $ AREA <dbl> 0.143, 0.124, 0.153, 0.108, 0.170
#> $ PERIMETER <dbl> 1.630, 1.428, 1.616, 1.483, 1.680
#> $ CNTY_ <dbl> 1828, 1837, 1839, 1900, 1903
#> $ CNTY_ID <dbl> 1828, 1837, 1839, 1900, 1903
#> $ NAME <chr> "Surry", "Stokes", "Rockingham", "Forsyth", "Guilford"
#> $ FIPS <chr> "37171", "37169", "37157", "37067", "37081"
#> $ FIPSNO <dbl> 37171, 37169, 37157, 37067, 37081
#> $ CRESS_ID <int> 86, 85, 79, 34, 41
#> $ BIR74 <dbl> 3188, 1612, 4449, 11858, 16184
#> $ SID74 <dbl> 5, 1, 16, 10, 23
#> $ NWBIR74 <dbl> 208, 160, 1243, 3919, 5483
#> $ BIR79 <dbl> 3616, 2038, 5386, 15704, 20543
#> $ SID79 <dbl> 6, 5, 5, 18, 38
#> $ NWBIR79 <dbl> 260, 176, 1369, 5031, 7089
#> $ wkt <chr> "POLYGON ((-80.45614 36.24264, -80.47618 36.25481, -80.53668…
df_example_map +
geom_sf(data = df_to_sf(df_wkt), color = "orange", fill = NA)
The tidygeocoder package is also used to support conversion of address vectors or data frames.
address_to_sf(x = c("350 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10118"))
#> Passing 1 address to the Nominatim single address geocoder
#> Query completed in: 1 seconds
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 3 fields
#> Attribute-geometry relationships: constant (3)
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -72.366 ymin: 41.10336 xmax: -72.366 ymax: 41.10336
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> address lat lon geometry
#> * <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <POINT [°]>
#> 1 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10118 41.1 -72.4 (-72.366 41.10336)
The next group of functions often provide similar functionality to
standard {sf} functions but, again, allow a wider range of inputs and
outputs or offer extra features. For example, st_bbox_ext()
also wraps sf::st_buffer
and uses a helper function based
on units::set_units
to a buffer distance of any valid
distance unit.
nc_bbox <- st_bbox_ext(nc, class = "sf")
# Similar to sf::st_sf(sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(nc)))
nc_bbox_buffer <- st_bbox_ext(nc, dist = 50, unit = "mi", class = "sf")
# Similar to sf::st_buffer(nc, dist = units::as_units(50, "mi"))
nc_basemap +
geom_sf(data = nc_bbox, fill = NA, color = "blue") +
geom_sf(data = nc_bbox_buffer, fill = NA, color = "red")
Other notable functions in this category include:
: takes sf, sfc, or bbox objects as
the crs parameter for sf::st_transform()
and supports lists
of sf objects (look for the allow_list = TRUE
parameter to
see which functions support lists)st_union_ext()
: unions geometry while also collapsing a
name column into a single character string using the
: checks the validity of inputs with
before and after using
or (if flip = TRUE)
There are also several functions that return information about the geometry of input objects. Typically, these functions bind the information as a new column to an existing sf input (and convert sfc input objects to sf results).
The get_length()
function wraps
and (for POLYGON geometries only)
example_line <- as_line(as_point(nc[1, ]), as_point(nc[2, ]), crs = 4326)
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 2
#> $ length [m] 34020.35 [m]
#> $ geometry <LINESTRING [°]> LINESTRING (-81.49823 36.43...
The get_area()
function wraps
glimpse(get_area(nc[1:3, ], unit = "mi^2"))
#> Rows: 3
#> Columns: 16
#> $ AREA <dbl> 0.114, 0.061, 0.143
#> $ PERIMETER <dbl> 1.442, 1.231, 1.630
#> $ CNTY_ <dbl> 1825, 1827, 1828
#> $ CNTY_ID <dbl> 1825, 1827, 1828
#> $ NAME <chr> "Ashe", "Alleghany", "Surry"
#> $ FIPS <chr> "37009", "37005", "37171"
#> $ FIPSNO <dbl> 37009, 37005, 37171
#> $ CRESS_ID <int> 5, 3, 86
#> $ BIR74 <dbl> 1091, 487, 3188
#> $ SID74 <dbl> 1, 0, 5
#> $ NWBIR74 <dbl> 10, 10, 208
#> $ BIR79 <dbl> 1364, 542, 3616
#> $ SID79 <dbl> 0, 3, 6
#> $ NWBIR79 <dbl> 19, 12, 260
#> $ area [mi^2] 439.0398 [mi^2], 235.8760 [mi^2], 549.4795 [mi^2]
#> $ geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.47276 3..., MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.23989 3.…
supports a more varied range of options
including using the “to” parameter to define a corner or center of the
input sf object bounding box.
nc <- sf::st_transform(nc, 3857)
# use drop = TRUE, to drop the units class and return a numeric column
dist_example_min <- get_dist(nc, to = c("xmin", "ymin"), unit = "mi", drop = TRUE)
glimpse(select(dist_example_min, NAME, dist))
#> Rows: 100
#> Columns: 3
#> $ NAME <chr> "Ashe", "Alleghany", "Surry", "Currituck", "Northampton", "He…
#> $ dist <dbl[,1]> <matrix[26 x 1]>
#> $ geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]> MULTIPOLYGON (((-9069486 43..., MULTIPOLYGON (((-9043563 …
nc_basemap +
geom_sf(data = dist_example_min, aes(fill = dist), alpha = 0.5)
dist_example_mid <- get_dist(nc, to = c("xmid", "ymid"), unit = "mi", drop = TRUE)
nc_basemap +
geom_sf(data = dist_example_mid, aes(fill = dist), alpha = 0.5)